I applaud President Obama's efforts to make STEM education readily available to all students. I'm especially excited about this new effort aimed at improving diversity in STEM education, which has been a focus of mine for many years.
My company, Globaloria, designs and delivers courses that guide students towards effective digital citizenship by empowering their STEM learning via game design and coding. If we want children to learn new thinking skills and to master hard concepts, we need to make learning fun. That's what we do at Globaloria. Playing computer games is the lure. Inventing, designing, coding and engineering a creative playable game is a powerful way to teach computer science and other subjects simultaneously. In the digital world, Computer Coding is the new writing, the new literacy.
All told, the steps launched today bring the Administration's grand total up to $1 billion in commitments and in-kind support to advance the President's Educate to Innovate campaign, which aims to inspire more girls and boys to excel in STEM subjects.