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EdTech Digest: Idit Harel’s Global Vision for A New Generation

August 23, 2016
CEO Idit Harel was interviewed by Victor Rivero of EdTech Digest, on how Globaloria brings STEM and CSForAll to life in schools and communities nationwide in “Idit’s Harel’s Global Vision for A New Generation“.

The New York Times: Educators Discuss the Future of Higher Education

June 22, 2016
Dr. Idit Harel was invited to attend The New York Times’s Higher Ed Leaders Forum, which convened many of the nation’s top educators to discuss the future of higher educators. Dr. Idit Harel was photographed in the conference recap in “Educators Discuss the Future of Higher Education”.

TechWorm: Apple CEO Tim Cook Says Coding Should Be Second Language For Primary School Kids

June 5, 2016
Dr. Idit Harel is mentioned in TechWorm’s “Apple CEO Tim Cook Says Coding Should Be Second Language For Primary School Kids” with her thoughts on the future of computer science education from her Quartz article “American schools are teaching our kids how to code all wrong“.

Education Week: Are K-12 Computer Coding Efforts Getting it Wrong?

June 1, 2016
Education Week investigated Dr. Idit Harel’s Quartz article, “American schools are teaching our kids how to code all wrong” and share their thoughts on the progress and future of computer science education in “Are K-12 Computer Coding Efforts Getting it Wrong?

Education Dive: The difficult realities of implementing #CSforAll

May 4, 2016
Dr. Idit Harel was quoted in Education Dive’s “The difficult realities of implementing #CSforAll” on her thoughts on supporting access to computer science education for all students.

Symmetry50: The Top Women in NYC Startups

March 10, 2015
Idit was featured on Symmetry50’s blog post, “The Top Women in NYC Startups”.

Scholastic “Down The Hall” Column: Can School Leaders Accurately Define 21st Century Needs?

March 2, 2015
Dr. Idit Harel was interviewed by Dr. Rod Berger in his Scholastic Blog column, “Down the Hall” on whether school leaders can accurately define 21st Century needs. Read the interview here.

Markets for Good: Globaloria – A Conversation with Idit Harel

May 25, 2014
Idit was interviewed by Markets for Good about coding and STEM learning through game design and the impact on education. Read the interview here.

American ED TV: Coding Through Games

April 23, 2014
In Phoenix, Arizona, Idit Harel, President was interview by Dr. Rod Berger, Host of the Core of Education, about Globaloria’s impact on education and motivations into creating the program. Watch the interview here.

Kids & Digital Games – MindCET Quarterly Snapshot Report

August 2013
Israeli edtech innovation center MindCet featured Idit in its quarterly Snapshot report, Kids & Digital Games. Idit reflected on her favorite digital games from over the years, rounding up the many entertainment and education games that have shaped her philosophies of today. Read the report here (Idit featured on pg. 64).

Slice of MIT: Alumna Develops Educational Game-Changer

February 13, 2013
In a post on Slice of MIT, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Alumni Association featured the work of Idit Harel Caperton (PhD ’88) in developing “educational game-changer” Globaloria. Read the post here.

Education Week: Forget Romance: Teach Me Ruby!

November 28, 2012
Globaloria was spotlighted as a leader of computing education in the Reimagining K-12 blog on Education Week. In his post, Tom Segal recognizes Globaloria as a successful example of a school-integrated program that introduces students to coding within the context of the failing in and critical need for incorporating more computer programming in K-12 curricula. Read more here.

Education Week Digital Directions: Students Tackle Video Game Design

June 13, 2012
Globaloria students and teachers in West Virginia, Texas and California are showcased in the summer 2012 issue of Education Week’s Digital Directions. Read Ian Quillen’s profile for a look into how this curriculum is helping to prepare students for college and career. “The specialization that often occurs in groups of students that design games—when they split the tasks of coding, graphic artistry, and concept design, for example—and the resulting communication lessons are becoming more widely recognized by mainstream educators,” writes Quillen, who visited Globaloria classrooms at Tygarts Valley Middle and High School in Mill Creek, West Virginia. Read more here.

Austin Chronicle: Local Kids Play/Make Games

May 18, 2012
The Austin Chronicle’s James Renovitch, who covers gaming for the paper, joined the students, families and educators at East Austin College Prep Academy (EAPrep) in Texas for the 2012 Globey Awards ceremony on May 17. “I once tried to make a video-game. To put the entire experiment on a bumper sticker, it didn’t work out. Coding is hard. And the fact that middle-schoolers were showing off their games, only made me feel worse…” writes Renovitch. Read on for his take on the winning games and the talented students of EAPrep.

Mind/Shift: Student-Created Video Games Enter Science Fair

April 2, 2012
Jennifer Roland of KQED’s MindShift blog explores how teachers across the country, including William Dorsey of West Virginia’s Kanawha County, are using Globaloria to help students develop a deep understanding of critical concepts in science. Click here to read more.

Education Week: Gaming: Leveling Up Global Competence

March 30, 2012
How can gaming and game design help students of all ages become culturally proficient and globally aware? Honor Moorman of the Asia Society highlights Globaloria and other initiatives in this Education Week blog post.

Austin American-Statesman: Students Creating Their Own Digital Learning Tools in Preparation for Future Tech Jobs

March 14, 2012
The Austin American-Statesman’s Katie Glueck recently visited East Austin College Prep Academy (EAPrep), where she spoke to students, teachers and principal Marisol Rocha about the positive impact the school’s daily Globaloria class is having on student achievement and engagement. Read the full article here.

Ashoka Changemakers: Q&A with Idit Harel Caperton, Education Entrepreneur

February 6, 2012
In an interview by Ashoka Changemakers, Idit talks about Globaloria, the world’s first and largest social learning network and the lessons it teaches students, such as the digital citizenship skills the global economy demands. Read the full interview here.

San Jose Mercury News: Globaloria brings new way to learn to Silicon Valley

July 23, 2011
Read this article by Mike Cassidy about how Globaloria is not only getting kids interested in learning (imagine), but also forcing them to exercise the kinds of skills they’ll need if they ever hope to get a decent job in the 21st century.

The Journal: From Instruction to Construction: Rethinking the Classroom Model with Globaloria

May 19, 2010
Schools in two states are piloting a game development program that weaves Web 2.0 skills, such as blogging, advanced social networking, and wiki contribution and use, with the full range of 21st-century skills, including collaboration, problem solving, decision making, and digital citizenship. Read more here.

BBC World Radio, Culture Shock: Interview with Idit Harel

October 13, 2008
“Forget computer games for kids. What they really want – and what might also give them a chance to get a decent job – are computer games that they design themselves. Harel’s new Internet project MyGLife teaches kids from deprived backgrounds how to build web 2.0 games and the value of collaborating online with people from other countries….” BBC News Website (the BBC radio program CULTURE SHOCK Philip Dodd and Martin Raymond of the Future Laboratory discuss new ideas, inventions and trends.) Read more here.

Media Snackers: Podcast interview with Idit Harel

February 19, 2008
Idit Harel discusses the Globaloria program, game design and transparent learning in global communities with MediaSnackers. MediaSnackers is a site/weblog/project/call to action for anyone interested in young peoples’ consumption and creation of media across the globe. The MediaSnackers podcast focuses on individuals, organisations or companies who are simply impressing us and which are crying out for more discussion.

simSchool: Games as Construction Zones

Fall 2005
An interview with Dr. Idit Harel by Melanie Zibit about her philosophy of how children learn through constructionism, inspired by her work with Seymour Papert, and exemplified in her programs for children on Read more here.